Competitor Landscapes
The first feature request that we ever received for the Analyst Dashboard was to show competitors for each vendor. Since we had put in the hours (4,000+) to categorize all the vendors it was straight-forward to display competitors by Category, Sub-category, Group, even Tags. Here is what that looks like for DSPM vendor Cyera:
Competitive analysis is one of the first things an investor researches when they are investigating a particular opportunity. On the one hand they want want to develop a model of Total Addressable Market, on the other hand they want to know who they are up against.
In the last week we have enhanced the platform with a Competitor Landscape tool.
Within the tool you select a vendor and see many more options for comparisons. Here are six of the eleven for Cyera:
Drilling into DSPM you can get a view of Share by Headcount, Vendors per Country, or Vendors per Category.
And you get a sorted list of the competitors by growth. You can jump from here to each vendor page.
By now you can see why we can claim that the Analyst Dashboard is the only platform for cybersecurity industry research. Nothing else exists that can do this for any field, let alone cybersecurity.
But wait, there’s more! Categories are a great way to identify competitors but they will miss major competitors. Think about looking at competitors for a new antivirus solution. The number one competitor to any AV product is Windows Defender but Microsoft is not categorized as an AV company. They would not show up. How to solve this blind spot? Add products to the mix and build a comparison tool based on product capabilities! We are still ingesting all products for all vendors. We only have 5,300 products so far.
But we have the tools built already. Watch this short video of an analysis of Fortinet’s products and competitors.
We have generated tags for each product and assign a match based on how many of the tags match.
Standby as we build the only database of every security product and craft the tools for complete competitive analyses. Along the way we will have created a powerful platform for product selection.